Edit this pageHLX8040

Teadusvõõrkeel 〔Õppeaine ÕIS-is〕

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< ==Course material
< Course material is handed over during lessons.
< There is no proper course material available for download. Some help is in [https://moodle.hitsa.ee/course/view.php?id=2880 Moodle], but Moodle itself is real agony
< ==Upcoming Events
< *Last Lesson is hold on **Nov. 12th**
< *Informative presentation either **19 or 23 or 26th November**
< ==Examination
< Examination procedure is well described [http://www.ttu.ee/public/s/sotsiaalteaduskond/Instituudid/keeltekeskus/HLI8070_nouded2014.pdf here]


> Vaata [[HLI8750]]

Vaata HLI8750

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