Showing revision 56

Ain Laidoja

  1. Minu Õppekava MASM02-09
  2. Soojustehnika Instituudi kodulehekülg

Fisher assay or sometimes called Fisher retort

Alternatiiiv kallile kaugküttele

Väikeste elektritootjate liitumine elektrivõrguga

CHP suvise soojuse salvestamine bioõlisse

Puidu ja põlevkivi koos-pürolüüs * Esitlus * Fotod



I remember you was questioning the need of PNG images for timetables. :)

This reminded me about it:

All three ÕIS-s are down (ois, ois2 and mois). If not ttuwiki, then where should people see timetables? :)
Too bad I didn’t pull the timetables yet. Such a pity. The thing is, there was a significant time window during this summer when I had no ÕIS account at all (bachelor’s account terminated, master’s account not yet ready), so I though that I’ll delay the work until things settle down a bit. Uh! My bad.

– AlexDaniel 2016-09-05 15:13:27